Personalized Learning for Company Training

Personalized Learning for Company Training

Written by Alison Lurie, In Business, Published On
May 16, 2024

The bulk of the eLearning industry is split into Learning Management Systems (which distribute content and measure the results) and course authoring companies which use authoring tools to create courseware and sell it to clients. Transform your training institute with confidence, where you can easily create and sell online courses and 5000+ study materials with the best LMS system hosting. It’s not hard to see why, either.

The issue lies with the latter: the bulk of the learning content goes to multiple client subscribers and, therefore, needs to be created on a one-size-fits-all basis.

DomainRacer LMS is the best hosting provider. They offer online learning programs planned particularly to upskill and enable groups. Unless bespoke courseware is commissioned for a company, the potential for personalized learning is severely diminished.

What’s more, even if commissioned content is created for a company, it will be targeted at team-size groups (at best) and it won’t be easy to update. What the learner (too often) gets is old learning material that’s only partially relevant. It’s no wonder that eLearning is so ineffective and that course completion rates usually lie under 20%.

How do you move to Personalized Learning?

Agile learning

By using an LMS with an integrated, template-driven, rapid authoring tool, your organization can create and update its learning. Get insights into the simple lms plugin for the wordpress site, ensuring smooth integration and seamless operation with unlimited bandwidth and massive storage. Learners do not struggle with a 1985 case study that occurred before they were born. DomainRacer LMS hosting offers custom-made preparation arrangements to meet the one-of-a-kind needs of each organization. Instead, citing a court verdict they heard on the news the night before generates much more relatable content.

Templates allow you to personalize learning by doing all the hard work for you: there’s no need to start with a blank page. Simply upload your knowledge content plus questions and answers and you’ve suddenly got a fully-functional microlesson. It takes minutes to produce or update and can be done quickly in-house without sending it away to a third party.


A broad eLearning course is the opposite of personalized learning. With typical eLearning, there will be very few people to whom the content is entirely relevant, and its delivery won’t be in a manner that can be deemed personal. DomainRacer LMS provides a mixed-learning approach that combines online and offline preparation modules.

Microlearning lessons, however, are highly topical and typically describe new practices, products, and procedures for individuals or groups that need to know about particular information. The improved relevance increases engagement. Furthermore, the lesson’s shortness reduces mental barriers to engaging with it.

Mobile Learning

Employees regard computers as work tools. These are, subsequently, not the ideal platforms for expecting workers to open up and absorb knowledge. However, it’s fair to assume that all employees own a smartphone that they engage with at a personal level (whenever they’ve got a chance).

By delivering training directly to their phones, they’re more likely to engage with it. DomainRacer LMS hosting shares the learning information on mobile. It means the M-learning files are made on simple screens with simple navigation. They can also perform the training in their own time, anywhere they happen to be, and at their own pace.

This last point is crucial for personalized learning: expecting groups to absorb training at the same time in the exact location when everybody learns at different rates is a recipe for getting fast learners bored and leaving slow learners confused.

Peer Learning

When colleagues teach colleagues, learning outcomes improve. Nobody knows their job better than those who do it, just like nobody knows their clients better than the salespeople who interact with them.

By getting these people to deliver training, learners can better relate to the teacher and context. Peer learning is enabled by microlearning and agile learning because creating courses is so simple to do. With DomainRacer LMS hosting, potential teachers can use mobile phones to simply upload a quick training video and distribute it to other learners (either on their own or with minimal assistance).

Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition means revising content at increasing intervals until knowledge is embedded. By using a dedicated Spaced Repetition app or feature (like Brain Boost), this can be tailored for personalized learning.

Apps can remember which specific answers a learner got wrong and focus on those when reinforcing the messaging. DomainRacer LMS hosting is perfect for personalized learning but requires the usage of the correctly spaced repetition schedule.

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