Top 8 Tips to Prevent Plants from Pest Infestation

Top 8 Tips to Prevent Plants from Pest Infestation

Written by Alison Lurie, In General, Published On
January 23, 2022

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to decorate the house is to add plants. We all love our plants very much and that makes us bring more and more home. When you are bringing these plants home, we bet you never thought how you are going to prevent them from the pest infestation in the house.

Every house has hidden pests that come out actively when you have vegetation at home. You can soon find certain changes happening to your plants if proper care is not taken for these pests. In case, any of your houseplants have been attacked by the pests, then tackle them as soon as possible. Or else the pest infestation may spread far and wide thus, destroying all the plants in their wake.

Top 8 Tips to Prevent Plants from Pest Infestation

Prevent Plants from Pest Infestation

It may not be as hard as it seems. Just a little bit of understanding and care on your side can help in tackling the problem effectively. What you need to do is mention below, have a read, and make the best of it. Check them out.

  • Preventive Care

Healthy plants rarely attract pests to them. Even if they do, they will get rid of them easily. plants need food, water, sunlight, and a little bit of care to thrive brilliantly. Depending upon the type of plant, you need to take care of them accordingly. Some plants need less water whereas others need more fertilizers. Research about each plant and then go on to provide appropriate attention. Sickly plants and overly watered plants are prone to pest infestation making them lose their charm very easily.

Moreover, you need to provide them with enough care by getting them good pesticides. It is not for agricultural purposes so you may not have to use the pesticides in large amounts. So, use a small amount as a preventive measure for your plants. Strike the right soil moisture balance and your bug problem will be solved in no time. Fertilizing the plants at regular intervals will remove even the slightest chance of pest infestation brewing.

  • Regular Inspection for Pest Infestation

Spending some quality time with the plants at intervals is a good way to pinpoint any infestation. The sooner you find the faster you can take care of the problem. closely observing the plant condition can help in nipping the bug problem when they are beginning to affect the plants. A small change or symptoms can determine what it is all about. Whether it is a simple spider infestation or is it home to fleas or ticks.

As soon as you pick a problem in your plants, the next step will be to prepare the home remedy for the purpose. Still thinking about what kind of home remedies can help in keeping the pest infestation at bay in your household plants.

  • Home Remedies for Pest Control in Plants

At some point or another, there is a high chance for the plants to attract pests. Any kind of damage to the plants such as stippled leaves, sticky leaves, insect droppings, webbing, etc. is a sign that can’t be ignored. At that time, you can try these simple tricks to keep pests away from your household plants.

  • Isolation

The first part of setting a defense mechanism is to isolate the pest-infested plants from others. It doesn’t take much time for the infested plants to spread diseases to others. Just like you would do with the patients, try isolating these plants to a good place where they won’t come in contact with others and infect them as well. This will lead to the infected plants shriveling and dying while you can protect others from getting infected.

  • Home Made Soap Solution

This is said to be one of the best solutions that work on insects and pests. For this, you need to mix a teaspoon of mild baby shampoo with 1 liter of water and spray it well on the infected plants. Two things to remember while applying this remedy are:

  • Do not spray it directly under sunlight.
  • Do not leave the solution on the plants more than 3-4 hours after the application. Instead, wash it off.
  • Repotting

If there is a severe pest infestation on your favorite plant then immediately take them outside and take it out from the soil. Put the soil in the trash can and under the running water, wash the plant thoroughly. With most of the pests washed off, you can now take a fresh pot and soil, and plant it there. To take the weeds out from the soil, ensure that you pour boiling water into it.

  • Pest Preventing Plants

There are a few plants that can take care of the pests not just in the garden but also in your house. Some of them include lavender, basil, garlic, fennel, lemongrass, etc. You need to remember what these plants help in getting rid of. Some of the plants even have side effects like for instance, lavender may attract bees and snakes to your house. But having these plants and herbs can help in refreshing the place.

Marigold, mint, and chrysanthemum are some plants that even ward off mosquitoes from the premises. Garlic and fennel keep the beetles and snails away.

  • Hiring Pest Control Services

Pests move from one place to another. And when they find fresh vegetation nearby, it is natural for them to get attracted to them. To avoid pests from getting on the plants, you should first make sure that your house doesn’t have any pests in the house. For this reason, you should get the house treated by pest control services.

The pest exterminators deal with the pests in such a way that it becomes easy to get rid of the pests completely without causing any trouble to you in the future. Having a professional pest control company take care of the pest infestation in your house will keep your plants safe too. you can clear your doubts by talking to professional pest control services in Delhi who will be happy to help you at all times.

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