6 Strategies To Grow Your Business With Instagram

6 Strategies To Grow Your Business With Instagram

Written by instalikes, In Business, Marketing, Published On
March 5, 2022

Like my Rich20Something blog, my “brand” is a hybrid of business knowledge, motivation, and personal experience. Readers love my approach to non-BS and the strategies used along with personal anecdotes. My Instagram page reflects this ‘t’.

I have a steady mix of business advice, motivational quotes, and personal stupidity that sounds good to my tribe. It is up to you to decide what your customers want to see. Are there themes or styles that echo? If you know what’s working, fill your account with images, quotes, and ad campaigns related to your business.

(A great way to find out what your customers are looking for is to research what your competitor is posting. Once you’ve got beyond the game, check out popular blogs and websites in your room.) Always remember … engagement is king.

How to actively involve the audience?

The key is to make sure you offer both great design and value. A picture is worth a thousand words … so make sure you say the right ones !! I like to use apps like WordSwag and Typorama to create all my posts. No need for expensive designers, these tools make your stuff completely professional and completely free (and easy to use).

You can use the section on your profile with a strong call to action that directs viewers to your sales page. You have up to 150 characters, so it’s best suited for a fun brisk CTA.

For me, I direct people to their home page, where they can sign up for a free mini-course on making more money with their existing skills. If your business sells physical goods, posting photos of your sales is an obvious strategy. But it’s less obvious to use the comments section to tell people what to do! If you sell a product on your website, mention it! And take them wherever you go!

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I like to use a link in my resume and get people to click on it … Don’t worry about being redundant. It’s the Internet, you have to write it out.) Finally, you can use the images yourself to increase engagement. Tools like WordSwag make it so easy first graders can learn it.

Instagram is a volume game. The company has not published statistics to confirm or deny this, but experience has shown that it certainly favors accounts that post more regularly. When I first started, I posted 5-10 times a day, with about 2 hours between posts. And I grew from 0-10,000 followers in the first month Jussss says.

Hash signs are not only for teenage girls! Reading to all three of you is not an insult. Hash marks can be extremely powerful in raising awareness of what you are doing. Think of them as a “search” tool to help viewers find interesting topics and ideas. Each time you post, write a caption before uploading your photo.

Then, AFTER posting, go to the comments section and add your #hashtags, which you have very cleverly saved to your phone … Learn more below 🙂

See, for example, how my friend and founder of the nutrition coaching start-up EvolutionEat does it. Adding hash marks to pictures makes it easier for people who aren’t following you to find your content. As seen above, Instagram allows a total of 30 hash characters per post.for more information plz click here and grow your Instagram account.

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