Hassan Taher Charts an Ethical Path for AI Development

Hassan Taher Charts an Ethical Path for AI Development

Written by Alison Lurie, In Artificial Intelligence, Published On
March 29, 2024

After so many years of fast growth, the argument over AI ethics is now just as important as the technology itself. Hassan Taher stands out as a moral guide in a world of new ideas and the rush to be the first. Taher is at the intersection of technology and morality. Drawing on a deep knowledge of computer science and ethical philosophy, he supports growth that respects human values and technological progress.

Why ethics in AI are essential?

AI systems are becoming increasingly a part of our daily lives. This means they can change society in many ways, from protecting people’s privacy to how society works. Taher says that AI could make things more unequal, invade people’s privacy, or even endanger people in ways we can’t imagine. His suggested moral framework is broad so that AI can improve people’s lives without infringing on their fundamental rights.

“These so-called ‘narrow’ AIs are everywhere, embedded in your GPS systems and Amazon recommendations,” writes Smithsonian Magazine contributor Stephan Talty. “But the ultimate goal is artificial general intelligence, a self-teaching system that can outperform humans across a wide range of disciplines. Some scientists believe it’s 30 years away; others talk about centuries. This AI “takeoff,” also known as the singularity, will likely see AI pull even with human intelligence and then blow past it in a matter of days. Or hours.”

An Approach to Artificial Intelligence Based on Ethics by Taher

Hassan Taher Charts

Hassan Taher’s comprehensive model for ethical AI development covers everything, from making the AI itself to putting it to use and beyond. These are the critical parts of his system:

  • Easy to Understand

Taher says transparency is an integral part of AI systems. He thinks responsibility and openness can only grow if algorithms are simple for everyone to understand, not just end users. There are thorough explanations of how AI systems make decisions and the processes involved.

  • Right and fairness

Taher says that AI systems must be built without bias to work correctly. Part of this is ensuring everyone is treated fairly and that biases in data and programs are found and fixed before they occur. As part of his study, Taher has devised ways to check AI systems for bias and correct them if needed.

  • Making Sure of Privacy

User privacy is one of Taher’s most important ethical concerns. He strongly supports the progress of AI technologies that keep personal data safe by using techniques such as encrypted algorithms and differential privacy.

  • Good deeds and not doing harm

Using medical ethics as a guide, Taher applies the ideas of non-maleficence and beneficence to AI. He said that the primary goal of AI development should be to help people, not hurt them, and to minimize risks and harmful effects.

Duty and Responsibility for Each Person

Taher wants AI systems to have straightforward jobs and responsibilities. As part of this work, we need to establish ways to compensate people hurt by AI systems and hold those who make and use AI accountable.

The Challenges and Chances of Using Ethical AI

Setting up an ethical base for artificial intelligence requires work, and many technical and legal problems must be solved. Taher says that to address these problems, the public, technologists, and politicians should work together in a “multi-stakeholder approach.” He thinks we should build on global norms and regulatory frameworks for ethical AI governance.

Examples and Uses in the Real World

Applications in real life extend Taher’s work beyond academic frameworks. He has worked on many projects with ethical AI in motion, ranging from medical diagnostics to educational materials. These case studies show that following ethical rules when creating AI is possible and helpful because it leads to better results and more trust in AI systems.

How moral AI will change in the future

Taher thinks that moral AI will help make the world a better place to live in the future. As AI grows, there needs to be ongoing communication, new information, and the ability to change ethical standards. Taher also says that international cooperation is required to guide its growth and that ethical concerns must come first in this technological revolution. As if they were just platitudes, variety and inclusion become apparent when you look at the core of AI.

They are essential for making AI fair, decent, and suitable for everyone in the long run. Have you heard about all the trouble with Google’s Gemini AI project? As a wake-up call, that showed us how much it costs to ignore variety. We might get a better idea of the current state of diversity in AI, how important it is, how far we’ve come in including everyone, the social problems we face, the risks of ignoring diversity, and more by looking at what happened with Google’s Gemini AI.

Where AI diversity stands at the moment

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change every part of our lives, but there are significant gaps between men and women and between black and white people in this field right now. Stats show that women and people of color are severely underrepresented in research and development roles in artificial intelligence (AI). This difference slows progress and makes people wonder if AI is fair and includes everyone.

It is essential to deal with these gaps immediately because AI systems that don’t consider different points of view can strengthen biases. Because of these unfair conditions, the basic structure of AI systems is changed, which has effects beyond job data. When systems are made without considering different points of view, biases can be stored and amplified. This can lead to outcomes that wrongly target marginalized groups. There is a greater need than ever to fix this problem, which is why the importance of variety in artificial intelligence is being looked into more deeply.

Why AI needs to be diverse

Artificial intelligence needs to be diverse from a moral and realistic point of view. Teams with people from different backgrounds and experiences are more likely to be creative and develop new ideas. This range is required to create AI systems that are both new, fair, and unbiased. Diverse teams can better see and deal with potential social problems, which helps ensure that AI technologies work for everyone.

Also, considering different perspectives can help when dealing with challenging issues AI can solve, like healthcare inequality and climate change. It is essential to include voices from various backgrounds in the growth of AI so that its benefits are available to everyone. That’s the only way technology can fully solve problems affecting people worldwide.

Present Efforts to Encourage More Diverse AI

Many attempts are underway to make the field of artificial intelligence more diverse, as this field is widely seen as necessary. Educational institutions, digital companies, and non-profits are leading these efforts by implementing mentorship programs, scholarships, and hiring policies that are open to everyone.

To create a large group of future AI leaders, groups like AI4ALL are working to make AI education more available to areas that don’t have it. These courses are necessary because there is a wide range of AI talent. Giving minority groups early chances to work in artificial intelligence can help make the field more open to everyone. However, these programs must continue to grow if we want to close the diversity gap in AI.

But the primary guardians of AI ethics must, by necessity, be the very companies and individuals who develop AI hardware and software, particularly as text-based AI like ChatGPT give way to multimodal AI that can interpret and impact the world in a variety of ways. In his article “Robots Learn, Chatbots Visualize: How 2024 Will Be A.I.’s ‘Leap Forward’,” New York Times technology reporter Cade Metz writes, “Multimodal chatbots will get stuff wrong, just as text-only chatbots make mistakes. Tech companies are working to reduce errors as they strive to build chatbots that can reason like a human.”


Hassan Taher’s work clearly shows the critical role that ethics plays in the development of AI. Taher imagines a future where AI helps people and makes it possible for that future to come true by showing how to be innovative while still being moral. The ideas and models Taher has suggested can help developers, lawmakers, and society as AI develops, helping ensure that AI is used for good.


What does “ethical AI” mean?

Some moral ideas and ideals that should lead the development, testing, and use of artificial intelligence systems are privacy, fairness, and accountability.

What does it mean for AI to be ethical?

Ethical AI is needed to ensure that technological growth helps people, protects their rights, and doesn’t perpetuate or worsen injustice, prejudice, or damage.

How can we make AI programs more moral?

To make AI more moral, we need to ensure it is open, fair, and responsible at all stages of its development, from collecting data to creating programmes and putting them to use.

Why is it hard to make AI that is ethical?

It can be hard to find and fix data biases, clarify complicated AI systems, balance privacy and innovation, and set clear responsibility measures.

How do you make self-driving cars fair?

As long as different datasets are used, algorithms that find and fix biases are used, and the systems are constantly inspected and monitored, fair results can be guaranteed in AI systems.

How does privacy fit into the idea of ethical AI?

Privacy is an important part of ethical AI. To keep personal information safe, there should be clear rules about how to use data, ways to make data anonymous, and secure ways to handle data.

Are there any rules for moral AI that are followed worldwide?

Many countries and groups have backed the OECD Principles on AI, the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, and the Ethically Aligned Design as important guides for AI ethics.

Can ethical AI stop new ideas from coming up?

Concerns about ethics may slow AI progress, but they also help create new ideas by boosting trust and acceptance, which in turn makes AI better and last longer.

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